Q Continuum
"The Q Continuum" is a group of advanced beings in the world of Star Trek Online MMO.
Originally introduced in "Encounter at Farpoint" (Part 1) in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" TV series, the collective beings, referring to themselves as "The Q", appeared to challenge the newly-installed Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D concerning humanity's further expansion and exploration into space. In the years that would follow, Q, or specifically one aspect of the continuum, would continue to perplex and beguile Picard and other members of Starfleet, believing there is something special about humans that warranted their attention.
In the Star Trek Online MMO, Q repeatedly shows up around the holidays to treat and challenge all races of the United Federation of Planets.
Multiverse Crossover
In "Future's Guardian" #14, the Q make an appearance in the world of Champions Online MMO at the behest of Agent Sidestep. While there he makes a derrogitory comment about that universe, but also acknowledges that they were behind a brief observational multiverse link between Galatea Future and her counterpart in that universe known as Galatea Quantum. The Q admitted that he finds Galatea Quantum as challenging as Picard before warning Sidestep of a grave multiverse threat that he and the Council of Light need to address before the Continuum feel the need to step in themselves.