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Changes Ahead


It's been a while since we've done a news update, and I have to apologize for that.

Normally we would have at least one news update each month, however things have been getting in the way for us administrators.

We are making some changes regarding the use of this MediaWiki resource in light of how it has been used of late. Until we can formalize policy, we are suspending the deletion of pages with the obvious exception of SPAM. Hopefully we will have something up soon that will reflect the best use of this resource and still encourage content contributions.

Cape Radio News

Our friends at The Cape Radio have recently changed their format to reflect what they see is a shift in MMO trends, and that trend actually helps MMO players.

Previously, The Cape was focused on the City of Heroes MMO. But when that MMO was unjustly discontinued in 2012, the people at The Cape have decided to split their focus between Champions Online and The Secret World.

Well back in November, the folks at TCR saw that The Secret World was dwindling in interest and could possibly join COH in MMO oblivion. But rather than concentrate only on one MMO, TCR decided to expand their focus to ALL of the Perfect World MMO games.

So if you are a fan of Champions, Star Trek Online, Dungeons and Dragons Neverwinter, or any of the other PW games, you now have an online radio station for you to enjoy! And maybe that will help inspire you to come up with some new fan-made comics.

Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback? Questions? Any tips you would like to share? Let us know!

(Submitted by BattlerockX (talk) 15:59, 3 March 2014 (MST) )

Recent News

BattlerockX 05:49, 5 January 2014 (MST)

Welcome to 2014


Another year has come and gone, and we welcome 2014 with the hope that things will be better for both comic creators and comic fans.

While things have been bleak with the loss of the City of Heroes MMO, comic creators have managed to keep the spirit going with continuing stories done with the help of archived content and demorecording. Comics such as "The Justice-Knights", "The Crucible" and "New Allied Fighters" prove that while the game itself may be gone, the stories are able to continue.

And more are on the way...

In related news...

It appears that the Champions Online Wiki resource is down[1].

Like the MMO Comic Index, the CO Wiki is fan-made and user-supported. These Wiki resources are done with the tacit approval of the MMO companies, but they are not a part of the MMO. I know some of these people and I can tell you for a fact that the people behind these Wiki resources pay for these out of their own pockets, and they do it because they really love the MMO and they want to do everything they can to make the experience enjoyable for everyone.

And it is sad when a content creator is so discouraged by the thing they have dedicated so much of their time doing - without pay I should add - that they decide to just give up. It doesn't matter if it's a Wiki resource, fan-made videos, or fan-made comics. This is something that MMO companies seem to fail to grasp and just take for granted that there would be this unending love and support. That love needs to be appreciated and reciprocated for it to go on, otherwise people will just give up. That's just human nature.

Hopefully someone else will pick up where the original admin left off and resume the Champions Wiki. In the meantime, we will adjust the link to point to an archive site so you will still be able to get game-related information.

Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback? Questions? Any tips you would like to share? Let us know!

(Submitted by BattlerockX (talk) 05:49, 5 January 2014 (MST) )

BattlerockX 10:32, 1 December 2013 (MST)

It's Been A Year...


On December 1st, 2012, the corporate entity that is NC Soft managed to do what gods, demigods, and even Lord Recluse and Nemesis were never able to accomplish. They utterly destroyed the universe known as City of Heroes.

They assumed that the millions that made Paragon City and the Rogue Isles their homes for over eight years would simply move to another of their MMOs. They assumed that the heroes that have spent eight years sacrificing everything to save the city would simply accept fate and let it die. They assumed that the villains that have spent almost eight years trying to take over the city would simply settle for watching someone else destroy it.

They were WRONG!

We made noise. We held protests. We let NC Soft know that we were not going to give up without a fight. And the company suffered financially because of it. NC Soft prevailed, but we made sure that it was a phyrric victory for them.

Even though the MMO has been gone for a year, "The City" remains in Facebook groups and message boards... It survives in groups scattered through various other MMOs.

And it survives through our stories. Time, energy, and effort goes into these stories, to remind people that "The City" still goes on even if the MMO cannot.

And more stories are coming.

The Game may be done... but the stories go on!


As one of the administrators of this resource, I first have to give a hearty welcome to those that have taken the time to contribute content and information. Particiapation helps encourage more people to check out this resource and possibly even enjoy the content that we spend countless amounts of time, effort, and energy on.

Having said that, though, I must remind those that are new to a few things.

First, we have no tolerance for SPAM. Period. Obviously the vast majority of spammers that try to infest our resource are bot-generated programs that cannot get past our modest barrier, but there are a few that manage to manually post junk. I say this to those of you determined to turn this resource into your own spam-revenue service: YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED HERE! You will be banned and your IP will be blocked. OUR resource, OUR rules. Not yours!

Second, I must remind people that this resources is for fan-made MMO content. This is not a substitute for PRIMUS or other gamer-based role-playing resources. New content is good, but hopefully there's a fan-made comic book involved with it, or at the very least a reference to one. (And bear in mind that as one of the administrators, I DO research these things!) I'm not saying this to discourage people particiapting, but rather as an encouragement to come up with some fan-made comics, or otherwise work with people that do.

And third, I'm asking that people please behave when it comes to comments on the content of others. We have no desire to be den mother forum monitors (cripes, the top two admins are libertarians!), so please spare us all some grief and keep your comments constructive, instructive, informative, or otherwise beneficial. We have a hard enough time dealing with the bottom-feeding spammers.

Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback? Questions? Any tips you would like to share? Let us know!

(Submitted by BattlerockX (talk) 10:32, 1 December 2013 (MST) )

BattlerockX 05:05, 5 October 2013 (MDT)

Catching Up for October


You've probably noticed that our monthly updates have been getting a little anemic.

Part of the reason why has to do with the workload we creators have to deal with that go beyond our work.

This isn't a job for us. We all work or go to school. We create comics because we have stories to tell and we want to share them with you, but these things don't pay our bills. In fact, because these are fan-based comics, we legally cannot make any money off them, even though we will dedicate our time, effort, and talent into them. So we have to work. We have to make money so we can pay to keep our computers going and to play the MMO games to inspire us and to come up with these great comics for you to enjoy.

This is truly a labor of love for us. We love doing this.

By the way, this is also why some of our stories are better than our mainstream comic counterparts. When you are your own writer, creator, editor, and publisher, you don't have to worry about "editorial mandate" messing things up.

It may take a little longer for some of our work to come out, but I'm sure you'll find that we make the wait worth it!

Besides, it's not like you're having to pay for them, right?

Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback? Questions? Any tips you would like to share? Let us know!

(Submitted by BattlerockX (talk) 05:05, 5 October 2013 (MDT) )

BattlerockX 06:14, 1 August 2013 (MDT)

August is SMOKING HOT!


As you probably have noticed, we've been making plenty of changes to our little modest MediaWiki resource.

The most visible one is the New Releases section, which you can see with the banner at the top of the Main Page. Since our various member-creators have different release schedules, we've to come up with a way for you to see which new comics have been published. It's also been very helpful that the mighty Ra has been coming up with some promotional ads for some of these new releases, and whenever possible we will share them in the New Releases section for that month.

Another feature which we brought over from the original CoH Comic Index site is the "How To Create A Comic" feature which includes tips and tricks on how to create your own fan-made comic book or comic book series. This "How To" special includes help on layout, cover design, the various page elements, and some particular legal issues surrounding comic book creations. The series uses the City of Heroes MMO as its base, but pretty much every element can apply to other MMOs.

We've also been coming up with more ads for our member-creators to use in their publications, including some for our friends at The Cape Radio. After all, we MMO supporters have to help each other, right? Right now many of the ads are for the Champions Online MMO, but there will be others soon.

And be sure to keep checking back here for more news when it breaks!

Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback? Questions? Any tips you would like to share? Let us know!

(Submitted by BattlerockX (talk) 06:14, 1 August 2013 (MDT) )

BattlerockX 11:27, 30 June 2013 (MDT)

Welcome New Readers!


This is just a quick message to welcome the new and returning viewers of our MediaWiki Resource, especially to those coming to us through the various Facebook groups.

We also want to remind newly-registered users that we do not tolerate the use of this resource for SPAM. We already have some measures in place, but we have seen some questionable user entries as well.

This MediaWiki resource is designed for the purpose of providing information for MMO-based fan-made comics. This does not include third-party websites that promote products outside of that purpose. We have a strong no-SPAM policy in place and much like our previous website we have no qualms banning users and their IPs that violate that policy.

For the others, I hope you will enjoy visiting this resource as we bring in more and more fan-made comics.

Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback? Questions? Any tips you would like to share? Let us know!

(Submitted by BattlerockX (talk) 11:27, 30 June 2013 (MDT) )

BattlerockX 09:06, 31 January 2013 (MST)



Welcome to the next stage of fan-made comic resources.

Our original wiki resource is still around, but with the corporate-dictated demise of the City of Heroes, our creators have spread out to other realms, coming up with new fan-made stories to tell. Some will continue to tell stories within the "City", but now we are not limited to just one MMORPG.

This new Wiki resource is still in the construction phase, so there are still plenty of things to work on. I hope you will bear with us as we mold and shape this resource into one that will be on par with all of the game resources out there.

In the meantime, the City of Comic Creators also has a presence on Facebook.

All comic creators past and present are welcome to join our CCC Group on Facebook so we will still be able to keep in touch with the various projects.

Click HERE to access the City of Comic Creators Facebook Group.

Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback? Questions? Any tips you would like to share? Let us know!

(Submitted by BattlerockX (talk) 09:06, 31 January 2013 (MST) )

Just FYI

When we replace news article, place them just under the "Recent News" line from the most recent on back.