Brighid Moreira
The City Representative is an in-game character who serves as the liason between Paragon City and the Federal Bureau for Super-powered Affairs.
Although she is the coordinator of the various federal agencies, she is an appointed official of Paragon City, not of the United States government.
Her real name is Brighid Moreira.
Heroes must contact her if they wish to wear a cape or to use specific aural effects with their outfits.
Other References
Brighid first appeared in Issue #4 of the "Guardians of the Dawn Spotlight" series with Captain Paragonna discussing her knowledge of the original incarnation of the Shadowborn organization. She was given a confirmation codeword, but she refused to divulge it, saying she wanted nothing at all to do with the organization for what it had become.
It is unknown if she feels the same way of the latest incarnation or if she is aware of its existence.
She was later interviewed by controvercial PNN media personality Garry Becker in Issue #8.
(Please see her Paragon Wiki entry for more information.)