Agent Sidestep

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"The universe you know is more fragile than you think. There are forces that can destroy your reality with but a wave of their hand, and all for kicks. I'm here to make sure that a certain person doesn't cause that to happen here."
- Agent Sidestep

Agent Sidestep
Creator: David 2/BattlerockX
First Appearance: "The Lost Adventures of Galatea Future" #2
Game: Champions Online
Personal Data
Real Name: unknown
Known Aliases: unknown
Species: unknown
Age: unknown
Height: '
Weight: '
Eye Color: '
Hair Color: '
Biographical Data
Nationality: '
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: '
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Known Abilities
PROPHET system
Badge Vortex.png This entry deals with an alternate universe.

Agent Sidestep is an Multiverse agent.

The organization he currently represents has not been known, but it is believed it is a vast multiverse enforcement agency with a vested interest of preventing destruction of the Omniverse.

Character History

Not long after Galatea Future arrived in the world of Champions Online from an alternate future in the City of Heroes universe, Agent Sidestep appeared to assess her power levels and see if she was still as powerful as she was when she defeated the Omniverse menace known as Alor. Sidestep believed that a being as powerful as she was, who could defeat gods, would be too much of a threat in any universe. At the very least, her continued existence in that universe could attract other cosmic beings.

But after measuring her abilities in modest combat, Sidestep came to realize that Galatea Future was no longer that powerful. He petitioned his superiors to re-assess her from a "Nigh-Omega" being to a "Sub-Alpha" one. He also recommended further observation would be needed to ensure she never reaches those potentials again. His superiors agreed, and then assigned him the role.

He would later appear in a more "civilian" attire, continuing to observe Galatea Future from a distance, although he has aided her in two occasions, including providing a legal course of action for her when her identity was stolen by Markman Gold. It is not known if these incidents were done with the approval of his superiors.

Powers and Abilities

Agent Sidestep in his original guise

When he first appeared, Agent Sidestep wore a full bodysuit with numerous devices that aided in his investigation as well as provide data to his superiors through the PROPHET system. This included being able to scan the mind and memories of other beings and erase said memories.

After his first encounter with Galatea Future, he adopted a more "civilian" outfit to fit in with the populace. This also apparently paired down his devices, but he still has on-command access to the PROPHET system.

In addition to the devices he uses, Agent Sidestep has the power to teleport to different locations at will. At one point, he could also use this power to teleport pockets of space as an attack, but it not known if he still has this ability.


PROPHET is an advanced artificial intelligence system that serves as an assistant to a multiverse agent. PROPHET can search any available database for information. It can also be used to coordinate various multiverse devices for specific and delicate functions such as providing memory scans and erasures.

Related Information

Agent Sidestep first appeared in "The Lost Adventures of Galatea Future" #2.