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Chaos Personified
Creator: David 2/BattlerockX
First Appearance: Furia and the Guardians #1
Game: City of Heroes
Personal Data
Real Name: unknown
Known Aliases: unknown
Species: unknown
Age: '
Height: 7ft
Weight: '
Eye Color: '
Hair Color: unknown
Biographical Data
Nationality: unknown
Occupation: unknown
Place of Birth: unknown
Base of Operations: unknown
Marital Status: unknown
Known Relatives: unknown
Furia and the Guardians
Known Powers
Known Abilities

Destitution is the name of a villain in the world of the City of Heroes MMO.

Character History

Destitution made his first appearance in the most dramatic of fashions; by destroying an orbiting LexieTech Satellite and riding down to Earth on the debris.

Once in the atmosphere, he landed atop a private aircraft, destroying it completely, and using it to break his fall as he bounced towards Paragon City.

He landed just inside the destroyed War Walls of Siren's Call. Swimming to shore, he dispatched the Longbow troopers that were already in the area following a skirmish between Arachnos and the Vindicators. (See "The Crucible" #12 for details.) Soon after, he began making his way towards the Steel Canyon gate, destroying everything in his path.

His arrival went virtually unnoticed because the heroes of Paragon City at the time were busy with a sudden deluge of unknown robots.

When he crossed over into Paragon City, all of the city's network services - except those connected to the teleportation systems - were suddenly jammed. This included all communications and even the local media networks. This allowed him to broadcast a special message to the city, announcing his arrival and also his intention to destroy Paragon City and leave its people destitute.

When he arrived at the PNN Building, he was confronted by Qualina, but she posed no real threat to him, and he was able to quickly overwhelm and defeat her. Minutes later, he was confronted by Galatea Powers, and even though she posed a much stronger challenge, she mysteriously disappeared.

That left Furia Powers to face him...

His story is ongoing.

This entry is considered a work in progress.

More information is needed for this page. Please be patient.

Powers and Abilities

Destitution's primary ability appears to be energy melee. He can focus tremendous strength into his fists, giving a very explosive punch. He can also channel this power to jump really long distances.

His secondary ability appears to be regeneration, being able to recover quickly from any damage inflicted upon him.

He also appears to have some sort of cybernetic control over technology.

Related Information

Destitution first appeared in "Furia and the Guardians" #1.