Psilence of Conscience (FG)

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Beware What Lies Hidden In The Mind!
Psilence of Conscience
Author(s): David 2/BattlerockX
Games: Champions Online
First Issue: Future's Guardian #7
Date Published: 2013
Last Issue: '
Date Published: '
Total Number of Issues: '
Main Character(s)
Galatea Future, Candace Sinclair, The Nationalist, Starlett, Major Cross, Markman Gold, Elite Ice
Series Involved
Future's Guardian
Additional Notes
First storyline for "Future's Guardian" comic


"Psilence of Conscience" is the first formal storyline in the "Future's Guardian" series.

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Story Issues

Issue 07


The Nationalist, an ultra-conservative extremist, begins targeting Galatea Future's friends and allies, including Elite Ice and Candace Sinclair.

At the end of the issue, The Nationalist confronts Candace and threatens to punish her for being a lawyer. As she cowers in fear and begs for her life, her eyes suddenly glow and she say "Just LEAVE ME ALONE!" The Nationalist's eyes also glow and he silently flies away.

Candace suddenly realizes that she did that and she begins to cry in fear.


Issue 08

FuturesGuardian-08c.jpg Candace turns to Galatea for help after her confrontation with The Nationalist. Unfortunately, Galatea was in a remote meeting with Major Cross in her secure room. While waiting, Candace begins to ponder what happened to her and the consequences of people knowing she has powers. In a fit of panic, she wishes she never knew she had powers.

Shortly afterward, Galatea emerges from the secure room to see Candace simply standing in her dining area. Candace has no idea why she is there or what she wanted to talk to Galatea about. She rushes off.

Later, in the climactic battle against The Nationalist, the extremsist is knocked to the dome of City Hall. An unseen person then incapacitates The Nationalist and renders him unconscious.

Later that evening, a strange woman is seen in the Renaissance Center. Mental narration shows she is not from the world of the Champions, and says she will find out who is responsible for bringing her here... "And then PSYCHE will make them pay!"

Issue 09

Issue 10

Issue 11

Issue 12

Related Information

FG-PsilenceOfConscience-01.jpg Promotional Ad for storyline.