Krushing on the Kitten
A comic series created by TechSpider/Kinetic Kitten showing the lighter side of City of Heroes, as seen through the eyes of Krusher Kitten.
Krusher Kitten, sister of Kinetic Kitten, Tank, Adventurer, Now in her own title. She will show the lighter and funnier side each issue of the City of Heroes world. This series is formatted as a stand-alone issue series, you do not need to read them all to know what the storyline is..
Issue #1: The real Origin Story!
Main Star: Krusher Kitten (read)
Summary: Krusher Kitten meets a Fan-Boy, and tells the true origin of why she became a hero.
Issue #2: Krusher: The Woman, The Myth, The Legend!
Main Star: Krusher Kitten (read)
Summary: Rona Cosell does a in-depth piece on our very own Krusher Kitten.
Guest Appearances: "Rona Cosell"
Issue #3: Countdown to Gawd Complex - 8
Main Star: Krusher Kitten (read)
Summary: Krusher Kitten joins a new ally, Blast Lord, to gather information from Zombies
Guest Appearances: "Blast Lord from the Freedom Server"
Issue #4: Countdown to Gawd Complex - 4
Main Star: Krusher Kitten (read)
Summary: Krusher infiltrates an Atlas Park warehouse, just to encounter a known villain after the same info.
Guest Appearances: "Evil Malibu Skipper"