Justice Corps Adventures
The Justice Corps Adventures is a comic series by Johnny Raven published by Virtue Comics, and it features the adventures of the paramilitary group known as the Justice Corps.
Series Issues
Issue 01: The Face of Death Part 1
In their first issue, the Justice Corps encounters an enemy that is hard to kill. (Read)(Alt)
Issue 02: The Face of Death Part 2
Johnny Raven, the team's leader, has become a zombie, and his team has become not only demoralized and polarized, but also dismantled. Can it get any worse for them? (Read)
Issue 03: The Face of Death Part 3
Just when things couldn't get worse for the Justice Corps, they face the threat of a new team, and things quickly get ugly. It's trial-by-fire for the new recruits! (Read)
Issue 04: The Face of Death Part 4
Things are getting wierder by the moment. The base is shutting down, the new recruits are coming apart on the field, and what is happening to the body of Johnny Raven? You don't want to miss the stunning conclusion to this storyline! (Read)
Issue 05: Angel Fall Part 1
Following the twists and turns of "The Face of Death", we take a look at the origins of Sarah Fymm and how she became a member of the Justice Corps. (Read)
Issue 06: Angel Fall Part 2
The origins of Sarah's history continues as she meets with the Justice Corps for the first time, although it is far from a friendly one.
Tempers are frayed, friendships are challenged, and this is all before the battle really begins! (Read)
Issue 07: Angel Fall Part 3
Members of the Corps are accused of murder. Can the rest of the team find Sarah? Or will it be too late for everyone? Oh, and is this a good time for a change in uniforms? That depends on who needs them. (Read)