Tales from Paragon City
Tales from Paragon City is an infrequent comic book series created by David 2 designed to highlight the life and times of various characters in Paragon City, the Rogues Isles, and beyond.
Issue 01 featuring KDave
Featured: KDave
Summary: A thirty-something nerd finally gets to live out his dream of being a superhero.
Issue 02 featuring Midnight Paladin
Featured: Midnight Paladin
Summary: Visit the world of Praetoria as a new hero appears, bringing with him something that has not been seen in years.
Issue 03 featuring Qwa
Featured: Qwa
Summary: A strange visitor arrives on the same day as Galaxy City is destroyed.
Issue 04 featuring "The Major"
Featured: "The Major"
Summary: In 2005, what was once a private war became public as Wyvern enacts a private blockade around the Isles in response to Arachnos trying to take over Paragon City earlier that year. What happens next has implications not only for Wyvern but also to a certain family whose name would become synonymous with disaster.
Related Information
Official Comic Website (Battlerock Comics)
The first half of "The Major" story also appears in "City of Comic Creators Compendium" #6. That story also includes a backstory involving a certain YouTube "star" and the promise of his own series that would never appear due to the shutdown of the MMO.