Battlerock Comics Presents
"Battlerock Comics Presents" is an infrequent comic series by the creator of "Future's Guardian".
An infrequent comic series from the creator of "Future's Guardian" | |
Battlerock Comics Presents... | |
Data | |
Author: | David 2 |
Author Aliases: | Battlerock X |
Games: | Champions Online |
Genre: | varies |
Series Type: | Infrequent |
Date Premiered: | 10/30/2019 |
Number of Issues: | 2 |
Date of Last Issue: | 06/26/2020 |
Average Issue Length: | 40 |
Main Cast | |
varies | |
Websites | | | |
Programs Used | |
Champions Online, GIMP, Microsoft Publisher | |
Footnotes | |
' |
01 - Penitence
Title: "Curse of the Blood Moon" (MMOComicIndex) (DeviantArt) (Issuu)
Summary: In the spirit of the season, we have a supernatural mystery to kick off this new infrequent comic series!
A woman is stalked by an undead spirit during the time of the Blood Moon. The police won't help her, so she turns to Aaron Nile, an undead man with tremendous power who has walked the Earth for a long time. But who is this stalker? And why is he stalking her? The answer may surprise you!
Special guest appearance by Elite Ice from the pages of "Future's Guardian".
02 - Red Sinner
Title: "The Unforgiven Sin" (MMOComicIndex) (DeviantArt) (Issuu)
Summary: From the pages of "Future's Guardian" comes the tragic origin behind the mysterious vigilante.
A secretive and dangerous encounter with the absolute wrong person brings horrific tragedy to a young woman. Scarred in ways very personal to her, she has to rebuild her life and become something that will bring fear to those who once made her afraid.
This story is connected to the events seen in "Future's Guardian" #17, as well as a few other connections you may not expect.
Title: ([MMOComicIndex]) ([DeviantArt]) ([Issuu])
Title: ([MMOComicIndex]) ([DeviantArt]) ([Issuu])
Title: ([MMOComicIndex]) ([DeviantArt]) ([Issuu])