Nine Dragon
Life And Story
Isamu Lee's Childhood has become more and more legacy after his trouble father and his good mother. Isamu was a average kid at the middle of the year, Isamu was good at karate after he was six years old. Isamu's parents is struggling to stop being a average boy. When Isamu were visiting to his uncle. Unfortunately, his uncle died. By a pill that was drugs. That his uncle died as well. One day later, Isamu were quiting to be a average boy and been extremely gullible in high school as such. Isamu's life were a bit badly since he was 11 year old kid, his father beat him if he doing wrong in school and home and everywere, after Isamu told his father to stop that or Isamu go and talk to child welfare to adopt himself. Isamu were a normal boy when he became seventeen and smart. He were watching his own ways and doing right after some couple years later. Afterwards, his grandmother were teaching Isamu some combats to defend himself from any attacks from random people who might if try to fight Isamu or kill with there knife. Isamu had one problem after his uncle's death. Isamu were upset that who told his uncle to kill himself or they do, because. His uncle were working some gang after his uncle knew it was all wrong, his unlce quit being a gang of memeber but they told him to kill himself with a drug or they shot him. If his uncle don't do that. Isamu were now strong when some bullies try to fight him but Isamu allways wins a battle of jerks like bullies as well.
Combat of Focus
After since he learn some defend style. Isamu were walked to westside to see were he gets the birth day, Isamu then fall down before a homeless old man pick Isamu up. And when Isamu saw his face he told him a thanks and gave the old man a 2$. The homeless man is from japan and really good on martial arts. The old man told him "Hey Kid! want to be more stronger at martial arts?" Isamu accepted to teach Isamu and the old man sends Isamu to his headquarters as well. Isamu and the old man were talking before Isamu been teach martial arts and push ups. Isamu trained with the old man over four weeks. After four weeks and one day, the old man was dying from a cancer that could never find a cure for the cancer, the old man says his final last word. "Kid, remember one day. You will be very good on martial arts. God bless you kid.." the old man died and Isamu says "Farewell my friend. I hope you see your family again." Isamu then became the expert on martial arts and still training martial arts!
Fists of Fury
After the homeless man's death by a cancer. Isamu saw a gang that stole a woman's purse and ran. When Isamu shouts "hey" to stop him. Isamu were assault the gang and gave the gang a fist on the face. Ran and gave the purse back before she could offer a thanks. Isamu then went home and his parents were upset and not happy about it. His father were angry to know were he been last night, Isamu told him the truth they didn't believe Isamu he ran on his room and gets sad. Isamu swears that he will not do that again like what happend last night on westside to stop a gang from stealing a woman's purse. After Isamu return again in 1 week he begin to watch his life and do what he wants to do right.
Unleashing of Revenge
When Isamu was on his way to school, something had change to him that all the students and bully becames good friend and became the top 10 famous high school student on westside. Isamu and his life were good and awesome at the year 2014 in january. When Isamu told to his parents that he became famous and got more friends, his parents were glad to hear how he gets more and more friends at the time. Meanwhile at the high school, he later met a female student that her name is Destiny Sebastian Bishop. They became friends on high school before one night he saw the police staying on his house. Isamu were confused to see that. Asking the police officer what happend, he heard that his parents were gun down by a purple gang person that was running in westside. Isamu swears that he want revenge for that he picks up a hood and ran at the murderer in westside. When Isamu finally met the murderer and Isamu confront the murderer. When Isamu gave the murderer a fist. He were thinking to kill was all wrong. Instead of killing him off. Isamu let him fainted before police arrived to arrest the murderer, Isamu were sad and took care of himself at the years.
Help! Help!
After the revenge of his parent's death. When Isamu cried he were pissed off that he never would that happend again after what happend to his parents. He first wears a mask and hood and try to save people in westside. When Isamu saw a maniac holding a woman's neck. He told Isamu to hold back, Isamu told him can he stop before the maniac knifed the woman's neck. When Isamu saw she was dead the maniac escaped before police were attempt to arrest him but Isamu were fast to escape from police. Isamu swears he never going to save everyone in this town. Forever!
Tragic and Weak
After Isamu swears he will not doing that again, Isamu were going sad and more darker boy. All the strangers and students were scared of him they would think what he going to do so. When Isamu punched a bully that try to steal money from a 10 year old kid when the bully is 15. The bully fainted and the 10 year old kid was offer a thanks for saving him, when Isamu told him he will stop saving everyone, the 10 year old kid told him "Listen mr, i know your weak and sad. But one day, you will be better like what happend to my father.." Isamu went home and was sad and weak before he fainted.
The Powers of Your Own
When Isamu woke up and walked again to westside were he met a sensei that could train him. Like the homeless man did on Isamu, train and train him over 6 days! After Isamu were to powerful Sensei told him "You got the powers of a dragon.. You Isamu san you must use the combats to help and do the right Isamu san, i can't help you. Remember, the powers of your own.." when Isamu train more of his own he became better then ever. Isamu became the good dragon boy. And still, Isamu will do the right like he met the 10 year old kid, homeless man, and the sensei. Isamu were been teach hard to be strong guy.
Birth of a Dragon
After the brutal training by his sensei he never met before. Isamu were became the vigilante masked, after using his hood and his black mask to bring criminals to justice before he gets better and smart. Isamu were teach to be smart to dodge from any attacks and kicks. Isamu could offer a thanks back to the homeless man, 10 year old kid, and the sensei. When Isamu knew this were wrong to use just a jacket. He were naked on the upperbody to show his six pack to let the criminals see how strong his Isamu. Before he made a costume that he use a japan dragon logo as well. Isamu were being the vigilante crime-fighter with his brand new costume.
Enter: The Nine Dragon
When Isamu get his brand new suit, Isamu then went to a hideout in the westside were it shows the new purple gangs, red banner, manaic, and all of them were a chinese villain called Hi-Pan, talking before Isamu shows himself to Hi-Pan. Hi-Pan were saying to him "Hmmm. Looks like we got a dragon in town!" before Hi-Pan teleported himself, the gangs were not happy to see him. Purple gangs and maniacs war before Defender and Isamu stop them from the war. When Isamu spoke with Defender. Defender let Isamu go before. Isamu knew this, that people need a hero and Isamu swears that he will be a good hero and he will still be a hero and never gonna quit, Isamu swears to named himself. The Nine Dragon! and Isamu says, "There can be people who needs help but i'll stop these villains from destroying the millennium city!"
Skills and Abilities
(and some more stuff goes here)