Deletion Policy
Wiki pages and other media information such as images and templates are meant to be available and referenced for as long as the resource exists. They should not be considered temporary posts or some rough draft before being used by some other resource. Unless we are dealing with SPAM, the deletion of a page should only be considered a matter of last resort. The person requesting it should also provide a specific reason why they are deleting it and should not expect to have it later restored.
1. If a resource page (including user pages), is considered to be in violation of the resource’s SPAM policy, then the page will be immediately deleted and the user’s account will be blocked. The determination of whether such page violates the resource’s SPAM policy and the subsequent deletion are made by the administrators.
2. Other than the above-mentioned reason, the request to delete a page should only be a matter of last resort. Do not request a deletion if you intend to re-edit a page or change the name of the page. There are mechanisms in place to make changes or to rename the page in question.
3. To request a deletion, one must put the following template at the top of the page: {{Delete}}
You do not have to remove the rest of the information on the page. In fact it would be best if you left the remaining data as is.
4. The person requesting the deletion must then provide a specific reason why they are making this request. The request reason must be made in the page’s Discussion section and include the username of the person requesting it and the reason why they are requesting it. Ideally the only person requesting the deletion of that page should be the original author; however special considerations may be taken into account.
Failure to provide a reason will result in the page continuing to exist on the server and may even be reverted to the most recent entry prior to the request.
5. The determination of the validity of the deletion request and when it will be carried out is solely at the discretion of the administrators. Ideally, deletion can occur within one-to-seven days of a valid request.
6. Deletion of a page by the administrators will include in the name and time/date stamp of the person requesting the deletion, as well as the reason provided.
7. Requesting the restoration of a page or content that has been previously deleted should be equally rare. Restoration is solely at the discretion of the administrators and should take into consideration the reason why the content was originally deleted. Restoring content previously deleted for reasons that would be considered by most to be trivial (i.e. “I want to show this off to a friend and then you can delete it again”) will not be acceptable.
8. Multiple deletion and/or restoration requests within a small time frame can be considered an abuse of the resource. The user can be suspended from activity if such abuse continues.
Again, we reiterate that content on this MediaWiki resource is meant to be available for the duration of the resource itself. While we appreciate the continued participation of our members to expand on this resource, it must also adhere to the ultimate goal of the resource itself, which is to provide information for all readers.