Original Gods

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The Original Gods are the original theoretical gods of the "original" universe before it was splintered into the multiverse we know today.

It is in reference to the Original Universe Theory, bantered about in certain places in the multiverse.

The Story

According to the theory, the Omniverse that we know of currently, with its multitude of universes and dimensions, was originally just one universe. In this singular universe, a group of beings advanced fast and became literal gods. As gods they took domain over all they surveyed, including manipulating events to ensure their dominance.

But they discovered that their universe was also flawed and will soon come apart through "the big rip". They also did not accept the fact that it was their own meddling as gods that caused this hastened end.

To stop this from happening, these gods combined their powers to go back in time and breach into the time before Event One, when the universe would come to being. The idea was to fix the "flaw" that would hasten the universe's demise. The universe would then be "restarted" with them already as gods, and they would be allowed to mold the universe as they saw fit.

But while there was consensus about what to do, these gods had no consensus about what needed to be fixed. Each one had their own designs about how the universe "should" be, and many of those designs would exclude some or all of the other gods. There was squabbling and disagreement that lasted until the time "before" had passed and "Event One" happened.

When "Event One" happened, the Omniverse came into being, immediately followed by the splintering of the one universe into infinitude.

The multiverse was created within the Omniverse, with several universes supposedly based off one or more of the "Original Gods". Gods of unstoppable power reborn as various lesser gods and demigods, deities of legend, which we know today as superpowered beings.


There is no way for certain if the "Original Gods" ever existed, or if the multiverse came into being according to this theory. The fact that there are certain beings that have common or identical natures that exist across multiple dimensions and universes does not mean that these were "original gods".

The only way this could be proven is if one of these "Original Gods" who existed before Event One were to reveal themselves and show who these "Original Gods" were and how they are reflected in the multiverse today.

Related Information

Badge Vortex.png This entry deals with an alternate universe.

The "Original Gods" were first mentioned by the multiverse destroyer Alor, who believed himself to be reborn as "The Alpha and The Omega" of Original Gods.